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  • Stories

    involving more than 150 projects in 60 countries

  • Stories

    involving more than 150 projects in 60 countries

Supporting the operationality of EUROsociAL+


EUROsociAL+ is a Regional Programme for cooperation between the European Union and Latin America that contributes to reducing inequality, improving levels of social cohesion and strength ...

Assessing French Budget Support operations in Brazil

Adelante performed the assessments of two Budget Support operations, one in Rio de Janeiro and the other in Minas Gerais. These were launched by the Agence française de Développement to promote a ...

Evaluating the SOCIEUX+ facility

SOCIEUX+ is the second phase of the SOCIEUX programme. This EU-co-funded technical assistance facility is aimed at supporting European Union partner ...

Study Tour on Energy Efficiency in Portugal and Spain

 We contributed to the EU programme “EU Project Preparation Facility in Serbia” (EU PPF) through the organisation of a study tour on Energy ...

Conclusion of our evaluation of France’s support to financial governance

Adelante’s team successfully concluded the evaluation of 10 years of the French support to improve developing countries’ financial governance (period 2006-2016). This complex, multi-institution ...

Support to the EU Communication on the role of Private Sector in Development

Traditional aid providers are used to focus on supporting public actors. Yet, businesses are essential to economical growth, and the private sector should have a clear say in how it could contribut ...

Adelante supports Benin to integrate climate aspect to national budget

Do you know what a Climate Public Expenditure and Institutional Review (CPEIR) is? It is a diagnostic tool to assess opportunities and constraints for integrating climate change concerns into the n ...

Timor Leste Government and climate change

Formulation of projects on climate change adaptation and food security, through decentralised local authorities and environmentally focused local development plans, in Timor Leste. Developing techn ...

Structuring ideas with the civil society in Tunisia

Capacity building to civil society organisations and local authorities, stakeholders of the PASC (Programme d’Appui à la Société Civile) in project preparation, to receive future EU support, i ...

New contract to support the LoCAL facility

We are starting 2020 with thrilling news, as Adelante just signed a long-term agreement with the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) to provide Technical Support to the LoCAL facility f ...

We support local communities in Myanmar to cope with Climate Change effects

Adelante’s team has recently traveled to Myanmar to implement the project Climate Change Alliance - Phase 2, funded by the European Union.  This formulation mission was aimed at identifying the ...

UNICEF Child Right Toolkit

In Adelante, we are proud to have taken part in the preparation of the EU/UNICEF 'Child Rights Toolkit: Integrating child rights in development cooperation' to strengthen the capacity of developmen ...

Innovating in SBS training in the Balkans

Adelante’s team was hired by ReSPA (Regional School of Public Administration – Montenegro) to tailor-make trainings for civil servants with the objective to their Sector Budget Support (SBS): t ...

Climate Public Expenditure and Institutional Reviews (CPEIR): lessons learnt


Adelante was selected by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to perform a review of the implementation of the Climate Public Expenditure and Institutional Reviews (CPEIR) wit ...

Launch of the Eurotour, cornerstone of the CuTE programme


11 September 2019 will be remembered as a milestone for EU programme CuTE (Cultivating the Taste of Europe), with its official inau ...

Review of DFID contribution to EU aid

Assessing the effectiveness of DFID’s oversight of the UK contributions to EU development assistance. Review of Objectives, Impact, Delivery including performance management and result frameworks ...

New collaboration with the Fundación Biodiversidad

Did you know that the Fundación Biodiversidad is a public organization attached to the Spanish Ministry for Ecological Transition, ...

Supporting DEVCO’s knowledge management

Since May 2019, Adelante is part of the consortium implementing the EU capacity building programme: “Methodological and Knowledge Sharing Support for EU External Interventions” (MKS). The conso ...

Training sessions on Management of Service Contracts under Delegated Cooperation: How to make it “sexy”?

Adelante is supporting FIIAPP in the development and improvement of implementation procedures through EU Delegated Cooperation modality. In the framework of this assistance, technical advice and t ...

Working with communities in Lesotho for the project LoCAL

Our team undertook a mission in Lesotho in March 2018 to prepare the start of Phase 1 of the project LoCAL (Local Climate Adaptive Living Facility).

The project, conducted by UNCDF and fi ...

The Gambian Minister of Health visited us in Spain

As part of our support to the Draman Foundation, we invited the Gambian Minister of Health, Hon. Dr. Ahmadou Samateh, to come to Spain in mid-January. This opened potential ways for cooperation wit ...

Supporting Transparency International

Did you know that Transparency International (TI) organises a biannual International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC)? It is a global forum th ...

Participation to the AFD initiative:  Adapt’Action

Good news: summer is (finally!) arriving and we are starting to work on a very exciting project! 

As part of two consortia, led by Stantec and Artélia, we will start to work on the

Support to the Climate Change Unit in Mozambique

Adelante is now bringing its support to the Climate Change Technical Assistance Programme, which aims at strengthening the institutional and technical capacity of the Government of Mozambique to ma ...

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