Supporting the operationality of EUROsociAL+

11 Jan 2022
5 min read

The summary

EUROsociAL+ is a Regional Programme for cooperation between the European Union and Latin America that contributes to reducing inequality, improving levels of social cohesion and strengthening the institutions of 19 Latin American countries. It provides support for the process of designing, reforming and implementing public policy, focusing its action on the areas of gender equality, democratic governance and social policy. EUROsociAL + is funded entirely by the European Commission.

A consortium of three European organizations is running the programme. The FIIAPP (Spain), leaders the consortium, with Expertise France (France) and IILA (Italy) as partners. The consortium is completed by a Latin American institution: SISCA / SICA.  

In this context, Adelante’s role is to support them in the definition of procurement procedures and preparation of tender documents aimed to ease the implementation of the Programme until its finalisation in 2021.

EUROsociAL+ is characterized by a high number of activities and actors involved. Enabling the operationalization of tender procedures will improve its performance and optimize the use of resources. This should also allow the three contracting authorities to focus on the Programme's results and impact.

(Picture: EUROsociAL+. Recent activity on youth employment organized by the EUROsociAL + Programme in Lima, Peru.)