Support to change.

Adelante aims at producing the best results for your organisation. We do this by calling on our member’s expertise and ensuring that we control the quality of our services at every stage.

Consulting services include support to decision making, training, technical and operational assistance, facilitating social and economic development.

Putting people first

We prioritise the reduction of inequalities to help communities and their administrations improve socio-economic frameworks. We support the design and implementation of strategies that place decision-making in the hands of local communities.
  • Understanding, and acting for the reduction of inequalities
  • Applying a 360º analysis on policy credibility
  • Aid policy, results based management systems
  • Setting up & using decentralised systems
  • Support to civil society, citizen organisations
Worldwide, focus on LDCs (UNCDF): since 2015 working with UNCDF to extend performance based grants to local communities and sub national government to adapt to climate change and to make country systems more robust.
Worldwide (EU/AFD): collaborating to the EU Reference document on Reducing Inequalities (AFD-Inequality Research Facility; EU-Tools and Methods series 29).
Niger (Oxfam): communicating and sharing data with citizens on inequalities to impact decision-making.
Worldwide (AECID): determining AECID’s value added to reduce inequalities in partner countries.
UN wide (ILO): mapping the integration of inequalities in a sample of UN bodies strategies and programme implementation frameworks.

Public Finance

Public finances and their management are ever changing to respond to new priorities (climate change adaptation and inequality reduction), provide more robust tools to finance policies, reduce risks and deliver results and accountability. It is indissociable from public sector and administration culture. We use our experience and deep expertise to analyse public finances, their management and guide our partners on their reforms design, implementation and transformation of public administration towards performance and risks management.
  • Public finance, fiscal policies and budgetary outcomes analyses
  • Public finance management assessments (PEFA, SAI PMF, PAMs, PIMA)     and reform design
  • Support to reform implementation and change management processes
  • Innovative financing
Mozambique (EU): macro-economic, public finance management and sector outcomes analyses.
Mozambique (UNICEF): introducing performance and programme budgeting.
Worldwide (UNEP): conceiving a Blue Public Finance Framework for addressing Blue Economy.
Indonesia (AFD): evaluating policy-based loans to support energy transition and taxe reforms.
Lebanon (ETF): assessing financing of education sector.

Climate and Nature

Through community engagement and the implementation of innovative solutions, we navigate the intricate intersections of environmental stewardship, and social improvements.
  • Natural resources management
  • Support to climate change adaptation
  • Rural development and food security
  • Using and managing renewable energies
  • Support to social services, access to water, health and education
Cape Verde (LuxDev): developing a methodology for climate tagging of budget programme and training national administration.
LDCs, Worldwide (UNCDF): since 2015 working with UNCDF to extend performance based grants to local communities and sub national government to adapt to climate change and to make country systems more robust.

Management of international action

We serve as navigators, facilitating strategic and impactful utilisation of public resources for development effectiveness. We specialise in designing and implementing effective frameworks for international aid management.
  • Official Development Aid analysis: review of flows and results
  • Support to policy coordination and capacity developpement
  • Structuring policy dialogue
  • Review of processes for international support and evaluations
  • Creating results based management systems
Worldwide (EU):  review of EU budget support portfolio and EU actions on domestic revenue mobilisation and public finance management.
France (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, AFD, National Treasury): evaluating France’s contribution to financial governance  (2006-2016).
Worldwide (EU): meta-evaluation of EU budget support operations Indonesia-Mexico (AFD): cross-evaluation of AFD’s budget support to large emerging economies.
Worldwide (EU/AFD): collaborating to the EU Reference document on Reducing Inequalities (AFD-Inequality Research Facility; EU-Tools and Methods series 29).
Balkan and Neighbourhood countries (EU): introducing performance planning and programming for policy support.

Capacity Development

We believe that empowering individuals and organisations with the rightskills and knowledge is the cornerstone of sustainable growth.
  • Dissemination of good practices in aid delivery methods
  • Policy learning and experimentation
  • Design and delivery of capacity building activities, trainings
  • Reference Toolkits and Manuals
  • Support to policy dialogue
  • Coaching stakeholders owned process
Worldwide  (EU - Methodological Knowledge Sharing): since 2012, developing and delivering targeting trainings for EU institutions (DG INTPA, DG NEAR, EU Delegations) on reducing inequalities, policy dialogue, greening development, budget support.
Francophone African and Oceania countries: Curating and Facilitating CIRFiP.
International Conference on reform of public finance “Collect More Spend Better”. Spain (EU): supporting Expertise France and I4CE green budgeting training for Spanish ministry of finance and sector ministry; introducing the case of biodiversity.
Cameroun (EU): training the Tax Directorate on green taxation

We adopt a global perspective. We are where we are needed.

We have successfully implemented 150 projects in over 60 countries. We have a global commitment to addressing social and economic challenges. Our expertise and network have contributed to make sustainable growth possible and to improved livelihoods worldwide, showcasing adaptability and effectiveness in diverse landscapes.

Get in touch with us. Together, we can make a difference.

Contact us to initiate an impactful collaboration. Together, we'll explore transformative possibilities, supported by a dedicated human network committed to generating positive impact.