Supporting DEVCO’s knowledge management

11 Jan 2022
5 min read

The Summary

Since May 2019, Adelante is part of the consortium implementing the EU capacity building programme: “Methodological and Knowledge Sharing Support for EU External Interventions” (MKS). The consortium is led by the company Ecorys and also includes Landell Mills, the College of Europe and IDS.

The 3 years programme consists in providing support to the Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO) and EU Delegations to enhance the development of knowledge, skills and capacities, as well as knowledge transfer.

This action is made possible through the organization of training sessions on different topics, thematic seminars, drafting of guidelines. The online platform Capacity4Dev is also a key element of the programme, allowing the dissemination of good practices and creating a conversation between the different actors involved into development projects.

Since the beginning of the programme, Adelante has actively contributed through the delivery of more than 100 days of training and methodologic support on different topics such as Budget Support, Monitoring and Evaluation, Project Cycle Management, Policy Dialogue, Green Economy….

Thanks to the experience and skills of our network, we could provide proficient services and a dedicated support to DEVCO’s staff.