Study Tour on Energy Efficiency in Portugal and Spain

11 Jan 2022
5 min read

The summary

We contributed to the EU programme “EU Project Preparation Facility in Serbia” (EU PPF) through the organisation of a study tour on Energy Efficiency for a delegation of eleven Serbian officials.

The overall objective of the PPF programme is to assist the Serbian administration to manage the EU integration and pre-accession assistance in order to speed up preparations for country’s membership in the European Union. Concretely, PPF aims at preparing technical and tender documentation for infrastructure projects related to the energy, environment and transport sector.

The study tour took place two days in Lisbon and three days in Madrid, allowing the Serbian delegation to meet different institutions involved in the thermal rehabilitation of building and management of European funds.

The agenda combined meetings and site visits to see concrete examples of the implementation of EU Energy Efficiency directives.

(Picture: Visit of the Solar XXI building in Lisbon, National Laboratory of Energy and Geology)